Friday, March 26, 2010

God Orchestrates Our Children's Lives

     After years of praying in a Moms In Touch group, sometimes God surprises us with how He was orchestrating the lives of our children—not just answering our weekly requests, but also putting together the puzzle pieces of our children’s lives in ways that are truly “more than all we ask or imagine.”
     We recently heard the sweet story of how God continues to pass on the legacy of prayer. Years ago, a young mom approached Valerie, a seasoned MITI mom, for help in starting a Moms In Touch group for her daughter’s school. Neither could imagine the impact it would have on their families.
     The son and daughter were in two different school districts and later attended two different colleges, yet God brought them together. The children of these two MITI moms are now husband and wife.
     For years, Valerie and Mary had prayed for their children’s spouses never imagining how God would answer their prayers.
     "All those many years I was praying for Kate, and Mary was praying for my Tyler, and we had no idea what God had planned!" says Valerie. "God is so faithful to answer prayers."
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  1. Oh Wow! What a beautiful story. I pray my daughter's future mother in law is praying too.
    It's a number of years down the road, but it will be here before you know it.
    ♥ Joy

  2. I Love i! Isn't that just like God to do something so wonderful. I pray that something that special happens for my four sweet little darlings.
