Yoseph and Ribca met with Fern Nichols on a recentvisit to MITI Headquarters. |
(An excerpt from
On the other side of the world, Pastor Yoseph Menna and his wife, Ribca, were praying. The director of 8,500 Ethiopian churches had discovered a ministry called Moms In Touch International, and he desperately wanted to give his country the vision of praying for its children and schools. He and his wife knew how much Ethiopia's children need prayer. They need prayer for safety, for health, for protection. And for salvation.
Yoseph, a vibrant Ethiopian, knew that, more than anything else, his beloved African country needs to bring mothers together to pray passionately for their children and schools. He and his wife saw the importance of having the Moms In Touch International Booklet in their language, Amharic, so women could read for themselves about praying scripturally, surrounded by other moms helping them lift their burdens to the Lord. The couple prayed big prayers asking God to supply the $10,000 needed to print 10,000 Booklets they wanted in Amharic. Soon, the answers to their prayers came tumbling in. One mom in the United States donated the entire amount!
But these faithful prayer warriors didn't stop there. They weren't praying just for the Booklet; they were also praying that longtime Moms In Touch moms would come to Ethiopia to train women in the Four Steps of Prayer. They prayed that God would provide the training sites, and that the Ethiopian moms would be excited to participate in the training. ... God, again, answered their prayers in surprising ways. All in all, 900 moms were trained. ...
Yoseph and Ribca have been blessed, too, watching the answers to their prayers tumble in. Nearly 2,000 groups of women are meeting regularly around Ethiopia pleading with God for the spiritual and physical lives of their children and schools. They wait in tiptoe anticipation to see how their prayers will impact this generation, their country, their region and perhaps even the world.
(Note: There are now more than 2,500 MITI groups in Ethiopia!)
(Note: There are now more than 2,500 MITI groups in Ethiopia!)