By Bev Romans
Heartland Regional Director
Moms In Touch International
School concerns were troubling me, as my distraught second-grader hated going to class each morning. My heart was heavy, and I knew something had to change—for him and for me. As I explored various options during that difficult season, God allowed me to hear about Moms In Touch International (MITI), and I sensed this was His direction.
So, in the fall of 1989, with two sons just starting third grade and kindergarten, and with trembling knees and a desperate heart, the first MITI group in our community began. Feeling totally “unqualified” to lead a prayer group, I was right where God wanted me to be—dependent on Him.
As God showed me the need for my sons and their school, He taught me how to pray in praise, silent confession, thanksgiving and intercession, and how to pray in one accord with others. Not all our groups’ prayers were answered in ways we expected or on our time schedule, but my heart was being made more malleable as I continued to call out to God alongside like-minded moms.
It became obvious that this God who called me to pray was faithful to all His promises. His faithfulness carried my son (and me) not only through elementary school, but successfully through college and into a career in the area of his giftedness.
In 2002, God nudged me to step into the Area Coordinator position in north central Kansas where I could encourage others to pray. A few years later, He called me to serve as the first Kansas State Coordinator, and I am currently the Heartland Regional Director.
What an incredible GIFT to see God moving across the Heartland in answer to the prayers of moms who humble their hearts to cry out to Him for the lives of their children! My prayer has become that others, too, will experience the gifts of peace, hope and joy that God gives through prayer in a MITI group.
“Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,” says the LORD Almighty. Zechariah 4:6
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